In a major crackdown ahead of New Year celebrations, the Central Crime Branch police in Bengaluru seized drugs worth Rs 24 crore. The operation, conducted near KR Puram’s T Chikkana Palya, resulted in the confiscation of 12 kg of MDMA, a high-value synthetic drug, and the arrest of a foreign woman suspected of operating the supply chain. According to the …
A Sudanese national was caught in possession of 50 grams of MDMA by the Hyderabad Narcotics Enforcement Wing (H-NEW) and Humayun Nagar Police. The police said that Mohammed Abdul Rahman Osman, 24, a Sudanese national, who was residing in Tolichowki, holds a student visa. He procured narcotics from suppliers in Bengaluru and distributed them to consumers in Hyderabad through a …
Hyderabad: Southeast Zone Task Force of the Hyderabad Police, along with Secretariat Police caught three interstate drug peddlers who were planning to supply drugs in view of the New Year events in the city and seized 102 grams of MDMA drug worth around Rs 7.10 lakh from them. The accused are identified as Anup Navnath Sonawane, a mechanical engineer, Kiran …
HYDERABAD: The Hyderabad police Narcotics Enforcement Wing busted a major drug-supplying racket operating from Mumbai and arrested four persons including a Mumbai-based drug supplier on Tuesday, and seized 200 grams of MDMA from them. Hyderabad police commissioner C.V. Anand identified the accused as peddlers Jatin Bhalchandra Bhalerao and Javed Shamshair Ali Siddique, transporter Junaid Shaik Shamshuddin and supplier Vikas Mohan …
Continuing the drive against drug smuggling, a team of the Narcotics Cell, Crime Branch seized drugs worth over Rs 30 lakh and arrested three people for supplying the contraband in Delhi on Friday. Based on a tip-off, a police team laid a trap near the Vidhuth apartment in the Mandawali area, where a drug supplier, identified as Ineet alias Jassu, …