Hyderabad news: Two people were arrested and the principal of CMR College was booked on Sunday, January 5, after female students alleged kitchen staff had been filming the students in hostel washrooms. The two arrested in the case, Nanda Kishore Kumar, and Govind Kumar, both aged 20 years, are Bihar natives, reported Telangana Today. How the Hyderabad college incident came …
High drama unfolded at CMR Engineering College in Medchal, Telangana, on Wednesday as students from the girls hostel staged a protest alleging that hostel cooking staff had recorded videos of them in the bathrooms. Chanting slogans of “We want justice”, the students demanded immediate action, drawing attention to serious lapses in hostel safety. “Several students raised complaints about the warden …
Hyderabad: The Medchal traffic police reportedly manhandled a lorry driver for parking his vehicle on the roadside. A video clip that surfaced on social media showed Medchal sub-inspector Yadagiri and his team using abusive language and assaulting the lorry driver despite the latter explaining that his vehicle had a technical problem. Protesting the incident, the drivers' union staged a protest …
HYDERABAD: A high-end SUV owned by TS Forest Development Corporation’s Vanteru Pratap Reddy hit a moped that resulted in the death of its rider, a 60-year-old man, at Medchal on Tuesday. Police said Pratap Reddy was in the vehicle at the time of the incident. At the time of the accident, the vehicle had the number TS 07JM 1030 and …