Two masks are better than one for protecting wearers from the coronavirus and its various mutations, according to the CDC. In new guidance released Thursday by the California Department of Public Health, officials said double masking “is an effective way to improve fit and filtration.” “A close-fitting cloth mask can be worn on top of a surgical/disposable mask to improve …
Hanh Duong, a pharmacist at Peninsula Pharmacy in San Pedro, wears a double mask when dealing with customers. “Why are you wearing two masks?” asked Kennedy Anne Coen, who was hunkered down Wednesday morning in her mom’s Torrance coffee shop, where a corner had been turned into a coronavirus-era classroom. “This one doesn’t fit as secure as I want it …
CNN — Double masking can significantly improve protection, new data from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows. “We continue to recommend that masks should have two or more layers, completely cover your nose and mouth, and fit snugly against your nose and the sides of your face,” said Walensky Medical procedure masks like the commonly seen blue …
Lawrence Taylor, 77, waits for his turn to get a COVID-19 vaccine at a mobile vaccination site at South Park Recreation Center on Tuesday in Los Angeles. Its takeaways are limited by the nature of the experiments, which “were conducted with one type of medical procedure mask and one type of cloth mask” and “did not include any other combinations …