Delhi Election 2025: The Aam Aadmi Party on Friday announced Tarun Yadav as its candidate for the Najafgarh Assembly constituency in the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections. Tarun Yadav, a social worker from Najafgarh’s rural region, along with his wife, two-time independent councillor Meena Yadav, had joined the AAP on Wednesday. He praised Meena Yadav’s decade-long tenure as a councillor and …
New Delhi: Social worker Tarun Yadav from Delhi's rural Najafgarh region and his wife, two-time independent councillor Meena Yadav, joined the AAP on Wednesday. Tarun Yadav may replace former Delhi Minister and AAP MLA from Najafgarh, Kailash Gahlot, who quit the party last month and joined the BJP, according to sources. The addition of Tarun Yadav and Meena Yadav will …
Two woman teachers of government primary school in the Ballia district were sacked for securing jobs on forged educational qualification certificates, an official said on Tuesday, September 10, 2019. Meena Yadav and Poonam Yadav have been sacked from their jobs Basic Shiksha Adhikari Subhash Chandra Gupta said Meena Yadav of Bhikampur village primary school was sacked for having submitted forged …