CHENNAI: At last, it has happened. Actor Vijay is the newest and top-rated Tamil actor to join politics, in keeping with Tamil Nadu's long-time tradition of actors taking the political plunge, with a couple of them having gone on to rule the state. The actor, whose apparent anti-GST dialogues in his 2017 action flick 'Mersal' ruffled the feathers of the …
Filmmaker Atlee, who is basking in the success of Bigil, attended the birthday bash of Shah Rukh Khan along with his wife. Atlee and his wife Priya were among the selected guests who were invited for Shah Rukh’s birthday party. Atlee with his wife at Shah Rukh Khan’s birthday. Rumours suggest Atlee and Shah Rukh are most likely to join …
SJ Suryah grabbed everyone’s attention in the Tamil film industry with back to back blockbusters Vaali and Kushi, featuring reigning superstars of Tamil cinema, Ajith and Vijay. Despite new releases like Suriya’s NGK and Prabhu Deva-starrer Devi 2, Monster successfully completed 25 days in theaters across Tamil Nadu and still retains shows in major multiplexes in the prime cities. Monster’s …