Raman Sharma, a Candian magician, worked with Vijay and Atlee in the film Mersal. Raman was hired by Thenandal Studios Limited to train Vijay in magic tricks for the role. A few months ago, Raman took to social media to accuse Thenandal Studios of not paying his fee for the movie. It has been over 2.5 years since Mersal's release, …
Shah Rukh Khan was clicked with Atlee, who directed the Tamil blockbuster Mersal staring 'Thalapathy' Vijay, at the MA Chidambaram International Cricket Stadium in Chennai. While many cinegoers are rejoicing at the possibility of Shah Rukh and Atlee teaming up for a film, some trolls made distasteful comments about the filmmaker's skin colour. Ramesh Bala April 9, 2019 Netizens are …