The Delhi High Court directed the Centre on Wednesday to find out and inform it whether e-commerce entities, like Flipkart, Amazon and Snapdeal, are complying with the requirement of displaying ‘country of origin’ on products sold on their platforms. A bench of Chief Justice D N Patel and Justice Prateek Jalan directed the central government to file a fresh affidavit …
The Central Government on Wednesday told the Delhi High Court that under the Legal Metrology Rules, 2011, the e-commerce websites are mandatorily required to declare the country of origin of the products sold on their portals. The information was provided to a Division Bench of Chief Justice DN Patel and Justice Prateek Jalan in a plea seeking a direction to …
Rajahmundry: Many fish traders have been xploiting many of the fishermen and women grabbing a portion of their hard-earned income when they buy their catch at a throwaway prices. Legal metrology authorities intend to come to the rescue of these fisher folks by introducing a weighing system for the fish before it is sold to the traders so that they …
Hyderabad: More than 50 stores selling branded clothing were booked for sticking bills over the price tags during Dasara sales on Friday. The officials were responding to complaints against the outlets regarding violation of the Legal Metrology Department Packaged Commodities Act, 2011, said assistant controller Bhaskar Reddy, who head a team during the raids. As per Legal Metrology Department Packaged …