The Stanley Reservoir in Mettur in Salem, Tamil Nadu, attained its capacity of 120 feet for the second time this year on Monday. The Mettur dam previously attained its capacity on July 30 as heavy rains lashed its catchment areas. The water level was maintained for the next 10 days, during which the inflow into the dam was discharged into …
In Karnataka’s Mandya, protests are underway over the sharing of Cauvery water with neighbouring Tamil Nadu following the Supreme Court’s refusal last week to interfere in the enforcement of the water-sharing agreements between the states and the decisions of the Cauvery Water Management Authority and Cauvery Water Regulation Committee. Clause three of the agreement read: “When the Mysore Government desires …
With comfortable storage levels at the Mettur dam in Salem district, the opening of the dam on the scheduled date, June 12, looks imminent, even though talk of advancing the date is doing the rounds. As on May 16 2023, Mettur’s storage is around 70 thousand million cubic feet, about 6 tmc ft short of the position on the corresponding …