During Amazon Mi Days sale, the company is giving discounts of up to Rs 8,000 on smartphones. Redmi 7 Xiaomi Redmi 7 comes in two storage variants: the 2 GB RAM and 32 GB storage variant was launched at Rs 7,999, while the 3 GB RAM and 32 GB storage model at Rs 8,999. Poco F1 Poco F1 is available …
"Good but not great" this is what we at India Today Tech said about the smartphone in the full review of the Xiaomi Mi A3. In India, the Xiaomi Mi A3 -- the company's third Android One smartphone -- sells for starting price of Rs 12,999. This is what I said in the review of the Mi A3 - "The …
Going by what we know so far, the Xiaomi Mi A3 is expected to be a rebranded Mi CC 9e. Xiaomi launched its Mi CC9 lineup of smartphones in China which feature an under display fingerprint sensor, an AMOLED display and are priced aggressively. Following the launch of the CC9 lineup in China, rumours soon started surfacing suggesting that Xiaomi …