Our list of phones under Rs 15,000 this month has some impressive handsets with a good amount of RAM and storage. Redmi Note 7 Pro / Redmi Note 8 price in India: Rs 13,999 for 6 GB RAM / 128 GB storage Mi A3 And we have one more Xiaomi phone in the list but with a twist. Mi A3 …
CES is past us and it's time to get ready for the premium flagship phones for 2020. Xiaomi is also part of the race and it did confirm previously that its Mi 10 flagship will be among the first few phones to use Qualcomm's Snapdragon 865 chipset. At first glance, the Mi 10 looks quite similar to the Samsung Galaxy …
Three major smartphone launches are set to take place in India next week. Korean electronics giant Samsung will launch the Galaxy Note 10 family and Chinese smartphone brand Realme will launch the Realme 5 on 20 August. The Note 10 is a flagship-grade smartphone series that comes with cutting edge hardware and features, including Samsung's in-house chipset, the Exynos 9825, …