The Bombay High Court on Monday dismissed the petitions filed by the prime accused of the Worli-hit-and-run case Mihir Shah and his driver Rajrishi Bindawat. Both the accused had challenged their arrests arguing that as per the Supreme Court mandate, they were not served with the grounds of arrest in written format which makes their arrest an ‘illegal’ one. A …
The Bombay High Court on Wednesday directed the Mumbai Police to file an affidavit in response to the petition filed by Mihir Shah, the main accused in the BMW hit-and-run case and co-accused, his driver Rajrishi Bidawat, who are seeking immediate release and claiming that their arrest was ‘illegal’. The accused Shah in his petition seeks the High Court to …
The prime accused in recent luxury car hit-and-run case in Mumbai’s Worli area, Mihir Shah, son of former Eknath Shinde-led Shiv Sena leader, Rajesh Shah, was sent to 14-day judicial custody on Tuesday. Mr. Mihir Shah was produced before Chief Metropolitan Magistrate S. P. Bhosale at the Sewri court in Mumbai after his remand period ended. Representing the Mumbai police, …
Mumbai Police succeeded in hunting down Mihir Shah, accused in the BMW hit-and-run case and son of a Shiv Sena politician, after two days of painstaking probe when his friend made the mistake of switching on his mobile phone only for 15 minutes. As per the police, Mr. Shah then fled from the Kala Nagar area leaving his car and …
The Mumbai Police arrested Mihir Shah, the main accused in the Worli hit-and-run case from Virar in Palghar district on Tuesday. The Mumbai Police confirmed Mr. Shah’s arrest from the Virar Phata area on the Mumbai-Ahmedabad National Highway. Nationalist Congress Party leader and former Maharashtra Home Minister Anil Deshmukh said arresting Mr. Shah two days after the incident will weaken …
Kaveri Nakhwa belonging to the fishermen community and resident of Worli Koliwada was killed in Mumbai when a BMW car rammed her husband Pradeep’s motorcycle from behind early on Sunday morning. Mr. Shinde said there would be zero tolerance against hit-and-run offenders. It also came after an on-duty Pune Police constable died in another hit-and-run incident after a speeding car …