The Enforcement Directorate has summoned Praful Patel to appear before it for questioning in connection to the agreement which he signed with the wife of Iqbal Mirchi over Ceejay House property. On Monday, India Today TV reported that the Enforcement Directorate has decided to question NCP leader and former Union minister during the UPA era, Praful Patel in connection to …
The Enforcement Directorate will question NCP leader and former union minister during UPA era Praful Patel in connection to the probe against the properties of Iqbal Mirchi. Sources within the Enforcement Directorate have told India Today TV that the agency has came across an agreement signed in 2007 between Iqbal Mirchi, Millennium Developers and Praful Patel in connection to Ceejay …
Former Union Minister and NCP leader Praful Patel, who is being probed by the Enforcement Directorate over his alleged association with Dawood Ibrahim's aide Iqbal Mirchi, claims that the allegations against him are baseless. The illegal occupants were removed and an agreement was signed between Iqbal Mirchi's wife Hazra Memon and Millennium Developers whose promoters were Praful Patel and his …
ED identified Iqbal Mirchi's 30 properties in the UK, the United Arab Emirates and Maharashtra's Mumbai worth over Rs 1000 crore. In a crackdown on underworld, the ED on Friday arrested two associates of Iqbal Mirchi in Mumbai who were allegedly involved in securing the posh properties in Mumbai for family members of Mirchi. Third and fourth floor of the …