BCCI has announced the Indian squad led by Rohit Sharma for the upcoming Asia Cup which will be held in UAE. The right-handed batsman Rahul was all set to lead India against South Africa in the five-match T20I home series but unfortunately missed out as he had problems with his groin after IPL 2022. India full squad: Rohit Sharma, KL …
Nick Bramall gives a mirthless laugh. On that day, March 21, 2016, the then Met Deputy Assistant Commissioner Rodhouse, who had overall control of Midland, declared: ‘I haven’t seen any evidence to prove that anyone, Nick or otherwise, has knowingly provided false information to the investigation.’ Former Metropolitan Police Deputy Assistant Commissioner Steve Rodhouse, who had overall control of Operation …
Priti Patel today said 'outstanding questions' remain over the Met's bungled Operation Midland investigation into fabricated claims of a VIP paedophile ring - as MPs demanded to know why senior officers are still in position. Former High Court judge Sir Richard Henriques heavily criticised the inquiry into false claims of a VIP sex abuse ring in Westminster in a 2016 …