The much-anticipated sequel to Disney’s Moana is here, but Moana 2 struggles to recapture the charm and emotional resonance of its predecessor. Co-directed by David Derrick Jr, Jason Hand, and Dana Ledoux Miller, Moana 2 is set three years after the original. To accomplish this, Moana gathers a diverse crew, including the grumpy farmer Keke, craftswoman Loto, and Maui-obsessed Moni, …
As the release date for Moana 2 approaches, anticipation is building for the much-awaited sequel to Disney’s 2016 hit Moana. At the heart of this journey is the central message of courage, vulnerability, and the importance of asking for help—an idea powerfully conveyed by Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, who voices the demigod Maui. In a recent interview, Johnson emphasized the …