The much-anticipated sequel to Disney’s Moana is here, but Moana 2 struggles to recapture the charm and emotional resonance of its predecessor. Co-directed by David Derrick Jr, Jason Hand, and Dana Ledoux Miller, Moana 2 is set three years after the original. To accomplish this, Moana gathers a diverse crew, including the grumpy farmer Keke, craftswoman Loto, and Maui-obsessed Moni, …
Walt Disney Animation Studios’ highly anticipated sequel to the 2016 hit, “Moana” is generating waves of excitement on social media. Moana 2 premiered in Kapolei, Hawaii, on November 21 A visual spectacle Fans have been quick to praise the stunning visuals, with one viewer describing the sequel as “an amazing showcase of animated set pieces.” Others echoed similar sentiments, calling …