Are wedding bells going to ring soon for Parineeti Chopra and AAP leader Raghav Chaddha? For the latest outing, Raghav Chadha was spotted leaving with Parineeti from the IGI domestic VIP terminal late night on Wednesday. Though the duo remained tight-lipped about their relationship status, Aam Aadmi Party leader Sanjeev Arora took to his Twitter account and congratulated Raghav and …
Street food is a crucial component of India’s rich and diverse culture, as each state has its own particular cuisine. From Delhi’s chole bhature to Gujarat’s dabeli and Maharashtra’s vada pav, you and your appetite will never stop being surprised by Indian street foods. Some other popular street foods in India include chaat, which is a savoury snack made with …
Restauranteurs and chefs are delighting city residents by offering festive discounts and tricoloured dishes in their eateries, this Independence day! So all of our restaurants will have special deserts as part of our Independence Day celebration to delight the guests and celebrate the festivities,” says Zorawar Kalra, owner Massive Restaurants Pvt Ltd. “While celebrating the spirit of our country and …