Trending News: In a bizarre turn of events that can only be described as a real-life soap opera, a man from Bhagalpur, Bihar, who was believed to be as dead as a doornail by his family, was unexpectedly found relishing some mouthwatering momos in Noida, Uttar Pradesh. Picture this: Nishant, the supposed "dead" man, was peacefully chomping on his momos …
Momo is a dish that is loved by many. Among them is this college student from Surat who came up with an unusual way of serving momo along with different sauces. The image shows a college student selling 'shot momos'. What is interesting to note is that the momos are shaped in such a way that they also serve as …
Published : Dec 14, 2022 18:00 IST Before travelling to Arunachal Pradesh, I had researched all the must-eat foods of the State. But she said her bar was the only thing open in town after 9 p.m. She could keep it open as long as she liked because her clientele was largely the people who ran the town—personnel from the …
For a lot of us who are foodies, It becomes quite a challenge to take care of which foods are good for us to have on a daily basis. And that is exactly what concerned this Instagram user who had taken to an interactive Instagram story session and asked a question to chef Ranveer Brar. Chef Ranveer Brar in the …