Actor Monica Dogra, who is best known for her work in films such as Farhan Akhtar's Rock On and Aamir Khan's Dhobi Ghat, insists that discussions around female-fronted projects need to keep going on, at least until the time that it really becomes the norm. Monica makes her digital debut with Ekta Kapoor's production The Married Woman, a loose adaptation …
Ekta Kapoor's upcoming web series The Married Woman has been creating a lot of buzz ever since its inception. The Married Woman is based on author Manju Kapur's bestseller novel by the same name and features Ridhi Dogra, Monica Dogra, Imaad Shah, Divya Seth Shah, Nadira Babbar, and Suhas Ahuja. Unveiling the posters, the makers shared posters featuring Ridhi, Monica, …