A mere month after inflation undershot the Bank of England’s 2 per cent target, it’s back up again – in the sharpest spike in two years. The Consumer Prices Index jumped to 2.3 per cent in October, against 1.7 per cent the previous month, dealing a death blow to any hopes of a second straight interest rate cut in December. …
Reserve Bank Governor Philip Lowe has apologised to Australians for giving them unclear guidance that led to hundreds of thousands taking out big mortgages in the expectation that interest rates would stay low until 2024. Key points: RBA boss Philip Lowe says the bank failed to communicate with the public properly He told a Senate hearing that they did the …
A for-sale sign stands in front of a home in Inglewood in February. For instance, on a $500,000 loan with a 5% initial interest rate, you’ll pay $600 less per month with an interest-only mortgage. That’s why a longer initial period is less risky when interest rates are rising — you’ll have more time to wait for interest rates to …
The falling mortgage rate broke a new record on Monday. For the first time in Netherlands history, the interest for the longest fixed-interest mortgage period of 30 years dropped to 2 percent, AD reports based on figures from Actuelerentestanden.nl. The lowest interest rate for a 20 year fixed-interest mortgage is currently offered by Robust at 1.68 percent. The ABN Amro …