The critically acclaimed actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui will be seen next in a comedy film with Athiya Shetty. After playing the popular character of Ganesh Gaitonde in the web series Sacred Games, Nawazuddin Siddiqui will be seen in a different avatar in Motichoor Chaknachoor. Watch Motichoor Chaknachoor trailer here: A couple of days ago, Bombay High Court had ordered a stay …
If Nawazuddin Siddiqui scared you with his Ganesh Gaitonde portrayal in Sacred Games, he is surely going to make you roll on the floor and laugh as Pushpender, in Motichoor Chaknachoor. Motichoor Chaknachoor is a complete laugh riot, and fresh change for Nawazuddin fans, who last saw him as the menacing Ganesh Gaitonde in Sacred Games. Watch Motichoor Chaknachoor trailer …