Davina McCall has defiantly hit back at trolls who've criticised her bikini snaps. Davina McCall has defiantly hit back at trolls who've criticised her bikini snaps The presenter, 56, is well known for her love of fitness and often showcases her incredible physique on social media, with the star stunning in a skimpy red bikini last month She continued: 'The …
She says she's at the 'best time of her life' amid her rekindled romance with Ben Affleck. And on Monday, Jennifer Lopez posed for a selfie while sitting in a bubble bath which was then shared on Instagram by her company JLo Beauty. ': Jennifer Lopez posed for a bubble bath selfie on Monday, revealing her bare shoulders and the …
As countless negative messages make social media a toxic environment for some users, one Canadian dancer is putting out only positivity vibes from his Instagram page with a series of upbeat motivational dance videos. Dontè Colley, a student from Toronto, has charmed Instagrammers with his short, choreographed dance clips A bit of good news: The 21-year-old edits the videos of …