Ranveer Singh was on Friday spotted grooving with the music composer and internet sensation Yashraj Mukhate on the popular viral rap Tuada Kutta Tommy. In the video, shared by Instant Bollywood, we can see Ranveer Singh dressed in grey colour formal dancing with Yashraj Mukhate as he sings the rap. One of the fans wrote, “#shehnaazgill se labo se nikli …
"Let's see how life surprises me next, but abhi toh pawri ho rahi hai," Yashraj Mukhate exclaimed while speaking to Humans Of Bombay during an interview, published on their social media accounts on Thursday. A musician from Aurangabad, Yashraj Mukhate spoke about his journey at length and said that he "fell in love" with music at the age of three …
Union Minister Smriti Irani is late to the Pawri but der aaye durust aaye, she said in her new post on Instagram on Tuesday. Pawri Ho Rahi Hai is the latest trend on social media that went viral after Pakistani influencer Dananeer Mobeen shared her video over the weekend. In her post, Smriti Irani shared Yashraj Mukhate's hit 2020 video …
Yashraj Mukhate of Rasode Mein Kaun Tha fame is out with his new song and this time, the star of his song is Bigg Boss 13 finalist Shehnaaz Gill. He has now turned her line ‘Tuada kutta Tommy, saada kutta kutta’ into viral song with a cameo by none other than Shah Rukh Khan. Shehnaaz Gill’s ‘Saada Kutta Kutta’ is …