Forest department officials busted a fake podu land patta issuing racket in Mulugu district. The main accused, Jatoth Badhru, 44, along with five others issued the fake pattas over past two years by appointing agents in several villages. They collected Rs 20,000 to Rs 40,000 from each person and took loans from various banks by producing the fake pattas and …
MULUGU: A 55-year-old man was killed while his son sustained injuries when an improvised explosive device exploded in the Kongala forest area of Wazeedu mandal on Monday. According to Wazeedu police, the deceased, I Yesu, and his son Ramesh along with three other villagers were going to the Kongala forest to collect firewood. However, Yesu stepped on an IED planted …
Warangal: A 55-year-old man was killed and two others were injured in an explosion of landmine allegedly planted by the proscribed Maoist group in the Kongala Gutta forest region in Wazedu mandal of Mulugu district on Monday. While two of them returned home, the other three remained in the forest when Yesu reportedly stepped on an IED landmine which triggered …