Hyderabad: The Telangana Cyber Security Bureau arrested a Mumbai-based agent Priyanka Shivkumar Siddu for sending people to Cambodia to engage in cybercriminal activities. Narayana travelled to Cambodia and informed Siddu about data entry jobs there and introduced her to Jithender Shah alias Amer Khan, director of a Chinese-owned company, Zhan Zei,” said the TGSCB in a media release on Friday. …
Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde on July 4 won the floor test in the State Assembly on the last day of the two-day special session of the House. Amid the beginning of a legal battle between the two factions of the Shiv Sena — one led by former Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray and the other by rebel leader and new …
The political turmoil in Maharashtra intensified on Sunday, with rebel Shiv Sena MLA and Minister Eknath Shinde moving the Supreme Court against the disqualification notice issued by the Deputy Speaker to him and 15 other legislators. The rebellion will not have much effect on the Shiv Sena’s organization.” - Shoumojit Banerjee 5.46 pm | Maharashtra Sena leaders step up attack …
Musicians and actors in Bengaluru are under the scanner after the Narcotics Control Bureau busted three large drug syndicates involved in trafficking of MDMA in the last two weeks. The agency seized 4,317 MDMA pills along with 180 LSD blots and recovered over Rs 2.2 lakh cash in Mumbai and Bengaluru. On August 21, acting on specific inputs, NCB’s Bangalore …