Janata Dal on Sunday announced its list of candidates for the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections in Bihar. #WATCH | Patna, Bihar | JD releases the names of its 16 candidates for the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections. It is to be noted that the seats where sitting MPs have been dropped are Sitamarhi, where legislative council chairman Devesh Chandra Thakur will …
Lok Sabha Elections 2024: With the first phase of the upcoming Lok Sabha election less than a month away, the Janata Dal-United, an ally of the National Democratic Alliance, has announced a list of 16 candidates in Bihar, in accordance with the seat-sharing agreement within the alliance. Here's list of 16 candidates Shivhar: Lovely Anand Sitamarhi: Devesh Chandra Thakur Valmikinagar: …
Patna: While the RJD-led grand alliance is yet to formally announce seat allocations for its members, a notorious gangster-turned-politician Anant Singh has decided to contest Lok Sabha elections as Congress nominee from Munger constituency, straining the ties between the two allies. After declaring himself a Congress nominee recently, he was heard accusing Nitish Kumar of “using and throwing” him while …