A letter has been written to Union Home Minister Amit Shah and Mumbai Police by the All India Cine Workers Association, demanding legal action against the film’s producer, director and writer Ever since its release, Om Raut’s Adipurush has faced backlash for its mockery of the Indian epic Ramayana. Now, the high-budget film’s writer, Manoj Muntashir Shukla, has come forward …
The recent patch of controversies surrounding Om Raut's Adipurush does not seem to end. On Saturday, All India Cine Workers Association wrote to the union home minister Amit Shah demanding registration of a case against the makers of the movie for 'hurting religious sentiments' and its continued efforts to 'make money selling discounted tickets across the multiplexes.' The letter demanded …
Amid a raging controversy over Om Raut's 'Adipurush', dialogue writer Manoj Muntashir has claimed a threat to his life. The Mumbai Police has decided to provide security for the Teri Mitti lyricist after he cited a threat to his life, an official said on Monday. MANOJ MUNTASHIR TO GETS POLICE PROTECTION "We have received an application from Manoj Shukla and …
Om Raut’s magnum opus Adipurush has been bashed left and right for its shoddy VFX and the dialogues. The dialogues, written by Manoj Muntashir Shukla, faced backlash for “distorting and disrespecting” Ramayan. MANOJ MUNTASHIR SEEKS POLICE PROTECTION On June 18, Manoj Muntashir revealed that some dialogues in Adipurush would be changed. India Today has learnt that Manoj Muntashir has sought …