After Sambhal, Varanasi, Aligarh, and Bulandshahr in Uttar Pradesh, a 120-year-old Shiva temple has been found in Amethi. This temple in Aurangabad village under the Musafirkhana police station area is alleged to have been illegally occupied by the local Muslims. According to the local Hindus, the 120-year-old Pancha Shikhar Shiva Temple has been illegally occupied by the Muslim community who …
“Who are the people who have increased the prices of vegetables now?” Himanta Biswa Sarma, the chief minister of the northeast Indian state of Assam asked rhetorically when speaking to reporters about the surging cost of vegetables in state capital Guwahati — and indeed, around India. “It is Miya sellers who are selling vegetables at higher rates,” he claimed, referring …
On Saturday, a popular Kuwait-based Muslim activist named Mujeel Alshrika took to Twitter to falsely claim that Muslims are under attack in India. Mujeel Alshrika and his anti-India stance, hate for RSS and support to Islamists The Kuwait-based Muslim activist had earlier extended his support for Jamia riot accused Sharjeel Imam, Delhi anti-Hindu riot accused Umar Khalid and the journalist-cum-terrorist …
The recent Bulandshahr violence that claimed the lives of a policeman and a 20-year-old man was a "targeted attempt" to "instil fear" in the Muslim community, an umbrella organisation of human rights bodies claimed Sunday and demanded a Supreme Court-monitored probe into it. The "fact-finding" team member Manoj Singh, of the All India People's Forum, claimed the way a purported …