Tamil Nadu Governor R.N. Ravi was violating the Constitutional powers bestowed on him and despite holding an appointed post, he was trying to bypass the elected Government and cabinet, said senior DMK leader Pon Muthuramalingam. Addressing a protest demonstration organised by the party against the Governor here on Tuesday, Mr. Muthuramalingam and member of the DMK’s high-level administrative body said …
Fishermen, along with family members of 64 fishermen from Ramanathapuram district, who were recently arrested by the Sri Lankan Navy, concluded their two-day token hunger strike here on Tuesday. He promised to take a delegation of fishermen to meet Finance Minister Thangam Thennarasu to air their grievances and press for their demand for the immediate release of the 64 fishermen …
If you are not familiar with it already, let me give you a brief introduction to the genre of ‘M Muthaiya’s rural masala entertainers’. In his latest film Kathar Basha Endra Muthuramalingam, Muthaiya tries to have a tighter hold over the narrative and yet, the film doesn’t move an inch away from this template with even his trademark tropes often …
Filmmaker Muthaiya is aware of the shadow that looms large over him — a stamp that he makes ‘caste films’. “Just because someone who goes to a Udipi vegetarian hotel doesn’t go to a Karaikudi restaurant, it doesn’t mean the latter will shut down, right?” It’s been ten years since Muthaiya made his debut in cinema, and each of the …