New Year arrived early at Nitish Kumar Reddy household on Saturday. Muthyala Reddy - the man behind Nitish Kumar Reddy But behind all this is one man called Muthyala Reddy - Nitish's father. A die-hard fan of Virat Kohli, Nitish was 12 or 13 years old when his father left his job at Hindustan Zinc Limited to focus on his …
The monsoon brings much-needed relief from the sweltering heat, making it the perfect season to enjoy a hot cup of chai and curl up with your favourite book or TV show however, it is also the time when illnesses like cholera, dysentery, dengue and typhoid increase. Cholera, dysentery and more in rainy season: Tips to protect vulnerable family members from …
NIZAMABAD: Minister for Roads and Housing Prashanth Reddy is fully concentrating on the Balkonda assembly constituency for a hat-trick victory in the upcoming polls. Prashanth Reddy contested the assembly polls in 2014 as the BRS nominee and won the seat with 69,145 votes against his nearest rival, the then Congress MLA Eravathri Anilkumar, who got 32,897 votes. BJP candidate Mallikarjun …