Fakira Dingaleshwar Swami of Shirahatti Fakkireshwar Mutt, who withdrew his nomination from Dharwad Lok Sabha constituency, on Saturday, accused Union Minister and BJP candidate Pralhad Joshi of misusing the ‘death of Neha Hiremath, a Lingayat’ for the election. Addressing presspersons in Hubballi on Saturday, Dingaleshwar Swami clarified that he was not supporting any political party but was against Mr. Joshi …
With the confirmation of Dingaleshwar, an influential Lingayat seer, contesting against him, Union minister and Hubballi-Dharwad BJP candidate Pralhad Joshi has stared visiting Lingayat mutts and Hindu temples, aiming to garner support from Lingayat seers and dissuade them from siding with his opponent, according to people familiar with the matter Amid resistance from over 200 seers supporting Dingaleshwar, Joshi sought …
Amit Shah’s visit to Karnataka’s Siddaganga Mutt in Karnataka’s Tumakuru today, an influential Lingayat religious institution, holds much significance especially in the background of the political developments in the state. Shah will be attending the 115th birth anniversary of Sri Shivakumara Swami, who was popularly called the ‘Walking God’ for the social services rendered to people through the mutt’s administration. …