With the Uttar Pradesh government planning a survey of Waqf properties in the state, UP Deputy CM Keshav Prasad Maurya on Wednesday said the move has been taken to act upon complaints of land mafias taking over precious Waqf property, adding that those opposing it are against the welfare of poor Muslims. Government, with good intention, has started its survey; …
Even before the row over the auction of properties belonging to Andhra Pradesh's Tirumala temple could completely die down, a fresh controversy has embroiled the famous hill shrine. The state government on June 4 issued an order according to permission for regularising an extent of 1,870 square feet additionally occupied by the Mouna Swamy Mutt and 4,817 square feet by …
As part of the plan to make Puri a world heritage city, Naveen Patnaik announced a package of Rs 500 crore to undertake infrastructure and beautification programmes in the holy town Odisha government’s mega plan to transform Puri into a world class heritage city may have been welcomed by all, however, less than two weeks after the demolition of dilapidated …