Wasim Jaffer, the former India opening batsman, has entered the race to be Mumbai’s next coach along with his former team-mates Amol Muzumdar, Sairaj Bahutule and Sulakshan Kulkarni. READ| Jaffer will be vying for the pressure along with two other former Mumbai Ranji Trophy-winning captains in Muzumdar and Bahutule, both of who having been a part of the Rajasthan Royals …
The advent of Twenty20 cricket and the Indian Premier League, in particular, has revolutionised the way coaches go about their job. Former India leg-spinner and Rajasthan Royals spin bowling coach Sairaj Bahutule believes, earlier all of it used to be more 'instructions-based' than 'data-driven.' Muzumdar's viewpoint Mumbai stalwart and Rajasthan Royals batting coach Amol Muzumdar concurred with Bahutule, adding that …