With traffic fines amounting to ₹115 crore remaining unpaid, the Gautam Budh Nagar traffic police on Wednesday started a campaign to seize vehicles that have a large number of unpaid fines against them. According to traffic police, over 2.3 million fines are still unpaid, and the amounts vary from a minimum of ₹ 500 to a maximum of ₹ 10,000. …
Delhi Police personnel who flout traffic norms in the capital will have to shell out double the penalty, according to an official order. Additional Commissioner of Police Ajay Krishan Sharma, in the order issued on March 2, said it has been observed that some police personnel don't wear seat belt either while driving the government vehicle or occupying the front …
The Punjab government is dragging its feet on the bumped up fines for violation of traffic rules even three months after the Motor Vehicles Act, 2019, came into effect. HT Image The state authorities, particularly transport minister Razia Sultana, have reservations over the hefty fines stipulated in the amended law that came into effect from September 1 and are in …
The driver and the owner of a truck were slapped a total fine of over Rs 2 lakh in the national capital, perhaps the highest in the country so far, for various offences under the tweaked Motor Vehicles Act, including overloading and driving without a proper licence, a Delhi Transport Department official said on Thursday. The truck, having a Haryana …
Several states have decided to not implement new Motor Vehicles Act citing steep penalties. Despite the data and the good intentions behind stricter penalties, states such as West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab, Jharkhand and Maharashtra denied imposing stricter fines to boost road discipline. Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said the penalties under the MV Act are too steep and …