Nada Habba, also known as Mysuru Dasara, is considered a state festival of Karnataka. Last year, the procession included 49 tableaux, 91 cultural troupes, nine elephants and a 750-kg golden howdah. The initial preparations for the Mysuru Dasara festival have already started. This year, a total of 18 elephants will be taking part in the procession while Tusker Abhimanyu will …
Mysuru: The 10-day Mysuru Dasara festival was inaugurated by renowned music writer Hamsalekha at Chamundi Hills in Mysuru on Sunday. Prior to the grand opening of the 10-day celebrations, Siddaramaiah along with the ministers offered special prayers to Goddess Chamundeshwari here. The Dasara festivities are dedicated to Goddess Chamundeshwari, who is the prime deity of Mysuru city and the Mysuru …
NAVRATRI 2022: The celebration of the land or state, commonly referred to as Nada Habba or the Mysuru Dussehra, is celebrated with great splendour and zeal. During these exhilarating festivities, Mysuru extends a warm welcome to visitors with an endless schedule of events, including traditional song and dance performances in front of the Amba Vilas Palace, intricate doll displays, perplexing …
The grandeur of the Mysuru Dasara has successfully captured the reminiscence of India’s rich cultural and civilizational heritage. The 10-day Mysuru Dasara celebration is one of those few Indian celebrations which has reached a global audience, attracting millions of tourists from around the world making it one of India’s most extravagantly celebrated festivals. The grand Mysore Dasara celebrations marked its …