Pyaar Hai celebrates its 25th anniversary on January 14, actor Hrithik Roshan reflected on his journey in Bollywood. Speaking at an event, Roshan, who debuted with the film, expressed heartfelt gratitude to the media, crediting them for shaping his growth as an actor and individual over the last two and a half decades. I remember 25 years back when Kaho …
Hrithik Roshan, who made his acting debut in Bollywood with Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai in 2000, has completed his 25 years in the Hindi film industry. Speaking on the milestone, the actor said that he is still as shy and anxious as he was 25 years ago when he debuted as a leading man in Hindi movies with the blockbuster …
Ameesha Patel has said that filmmaker Rakesh Roshan had asked Kareena Kapoor to leave Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai as they had differences. Ameesha Patel recalls replacing Kareena Kapoor in Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai. 'Kareena was asked to leave' Asked about the time Kareena walked out of Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai after shooting for a few days, Ameesha told the YouTube …
Hrithik Roshan said that before he began shooting for his debut film Kaho Na… Pyaar Hai, someone close to father-filmmaker Rakesh Roshan had told him to not make the film. Hrithik told Film Companion in a new interview that Rakesh Roshan ignored the advice that Kaho Na… Pyaar Hai should not be Hrithik's first film. What Rakesh was told about …