TV actor Pearl Puri, known for his role in Ekta Kapoor's Naagin 3, has been arrested on June 4 by Waliv police in Vasai on charges of allegedly raping a minor girl. The Mira Bhayandar-Vasai Virar police arrested him on Friday night with the help of the personnel of Amboli police station, he said. Soon after the news broke the …
One of the most popular actresses of the small screen Jennifer Winget is these days shooting for her first web-series Code M. But there are reports that she will be making her comeback on the TV screens through the show Beyhadh 2. Later reports started pouring in that the makers are planning to rope in Naagin 3 actress Surbhi Jyoti …
Surbhi Jyoti is on cloud nine right now. While we're being roasted in the heat wave of India, Surbhi Jyoti is enjoying a snowy vacation amid the Swiss Alps. Surbhi Jyoti Switzerland vacation Surbhi Jyoti Switzerland vacation Surbhi Jyoti Switzerland vacation Surbhi Jyoti Switzerland vacation On her birthday, Anita Hassanandani shared a special message for her best friend Surbhi Jyoti …