TV actor Pearl Puri, known for his role in Ekta Kapoor's Naagin 3, has been arrested on June 4 by Waliv police in Vasai on charges of allegedly raping a minor girl. The Mira Bhayandar-Vasai Virar police arrested him on Friday night with the help of the personnel of Amboli police station, he said. Soon after the news broke the …
It has been days since Naagin 3 went off air with an explosive grand finale. Soon after the show was wrapped up, Naagins Anita Hassanandani and Surbhi Jyoti took off to their respective holiday destination. Even while sharing the picture, Anita Hassanandani revealed that she's shy to share her monokini pictures. No mean comments pls" Surbhi Jyoti who is Anita …
Naagin 3, Ekta Kapoor's supernatural show which always topped the TRP chart will soon come to an end. The show which airs on Colors has Anita Hassanandani and Surbhi Jyoti in pivotal roles but as promised, the grand finale will be explosive with Mouni Roy, Adaa Khan, Arjun Bijlani and Karanvir Bohra returning for the episode. We already know that …
Telly viewers' favourite daily soap Naagin 3 is coming to end months after it went on air on Colors channel. For the last episode, ex-Naagin Mouni Roy will be returning to the show with her former co-stars Arjun Bijlani and Karanvir Bohra. Ex-Bigg Boss contestant Karanvir Bohra shared the pictures and videos from Naagin 3 set but he soon deleted …