Television actress Karishma Tanna, who recently wrapped Ekta Kapoor's supernatural show Naagin 3, is in the best phase of her life. At the launch party of Pearl V Puri's latest single Peerh Meri, Karishma spoke to media and said that both of them are good friends and there is no clarification to give at all. Last year, Pearl had also …
Naagin 3, Ekta Kapoor's supernatural show which always topped the TRP chart will soon come to an end. The show which airs on Colors has Anita Hassanandani and Surbhi Jyoti in pivotal roles but as promised, the grand finale will be explosive with Mouni Roy, Adaa Khan, Arjun Bijlani and Karanvir Bohra returning for the episode. We already know that …