Sanjay Dutt will be seen as a special guest on Nach Baliye 9 this weekend. When Ahmed Khan revealed to Sanjay Dutt that Madhurima Tuli and Vishal Aditya Singh are exes, he is surprised. Later after enjoying Urvashi Dholakia and Anuj Sachdeva's performance on Babuji, he says, "Yeh zaoroori nahi ki ex ho jaye na toh dosti toot jati hai. …
Ongoing dance reality show Nach Baliye 9 will soon have four pairs of wild card entries, including two couples who were eliminated earlier this season. TV star Urvashi Dholakia and her ex boyfriend Anuj Sachdev, actor Vishal Aditya Singh and former girlfriend Madhurima Tuli, along with two new couples will soon be introduced as wild cards on the show. Actors …