One such reality show is Nach Baliye which tries to be in the news by having its judges and contestants throw temper tantrums at one another to stay afloat in the TRPs. The latest “spat” being how the choreographers walked out of Nach Baliye because of judge Ahmed Khan’s “rude comments.” However when checked, one of the judges said no …
Nach Baliye 9 is increasingly becoming controversial by the day. As per sources from the show, TV actor and contestant Shantanu Maheshwari recently complained to the creative team that the judges are biased towards a few contestants. The source told Hindustan Times, “Shantanu went and complained to the creative team saying that he’s not happy with Raveena and Ahmed’s judgments. …
Nach Baliye is all set to be back on television with its ninth season. While speaking to a daily, Salman said, "Nach Baliye this year is going to be all about entertainment with our new concept of getting not just couples but ex-couples under one roof." Here's everything you would like to know about Nach Baliye 9: Host: Nach Baliye …