The Parappana Agrahara police have registered an FIR against four Bescom engineers after a 27-year-old lineman was electrocuted in Rayasandra on Saturday. Based on a complaint by Mallikarjun, elder brother of the deceased and the eyewitness to the incident, the police charged Bescom’s Junior Engineer, Assistant Engineer, Assistant Executive Engineer and Executive Engineer of Chandapura division, charging them with death …
Jagaluru police in Davanagere district registered an FIR against 11 persons, including a panchayat development officer of the gram panchayat, on charges of murdering an RTI activist, officials said on Monday, adding that two among them have been arrested. Jagaluru police registered an FIR against 11 persons, including a PDO of the gram panchayat, for murdering an RTI activist According …