While Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor's Brahmastra is going strong at the box office, social media users who have already watched the film have been discussing its eccentricities at length. After several users made note of how Isha's entire life revolves around Ranbir's Shiva, an Instagram user raised crucial questions about Isha's family in the film. Karan Sareen, a content …
A video featuring Radio Mirchi RJ Sayema is doing rounds on the internet in which she was seen normalising anti-Hindu bigotry by legitimising the usage of radical Islamic terms as ‘Kafir’ and ‘Jihad’. In a video, titled ‘Urdu Ki Paathshala’, the self-proclaimed Urdu expert RJ Sayema explains the ‘real meaning’ of Islamic concepts of ‘Kafir’ and ‘Jihad’. RJ Sayema’s videos …
Indigenous content is a requirement of the education curriculum that teachers often struggle to teach, but a new national project hopes to make that material easier to deliver and more accessible, for teachers — and students. Key points: Our Land, Our Stories includes books, multi-media and stories from dozens of Indigenous communities Some primary school teachers struggle with implementing Indigenous …
Salman Khan has released the first song of his upcoming production venture Notebook. Titled Nai Lagda, the romantic track features Pratun and Zaheer Iqbal and, we must it looks interesting all the way. Taking to Twitter, Salman Khan shared Notebook Nai Lagda Song with a caption that read, “Presenting the first song from #Notebook, #NaiLagda. The lead actress Pranutan is …