Amid the ongoing standoff in Ladakh, India foiled an attempt by the Chinese to intrude across the border at Naku La in North Sikkim last week, as per sources. Sources said Chinese soldiers tried to cross the border last week but were challenged by Indian soldiers in Naku La in North Sikkim, which resulted in a violent clash. While around …
There will be no let up in the infrastructure development on the border with China despite the continuing standoff along the Line of Actual Control, a defence source told The Hindu on Thursday. Mr. Singh had also reviewed the overall situation with the Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Bipin Rawat and the three Service Chiefs on two occasions, earlier this …
In Dustin Hoffman and Robert De Niro’s black comedy Wag the Dog, a war was fabricated to turn public attention away from a presidential sex scandal. As Ajai Shukla noted in another article “in sending thousands of PLA troops three-to-four kilometres into the Galwan Valley, China has violated its own claim line and occupied territory that Beijing has traditionally acknowledged …