A sequel to Rajkummar Rao-Shraddha Kapoor-starrer horror comedy Stree is likely to go on floors next year with the same cast. Stree, also featuring Pankaj Tripathi and Aparshakti Khurana, was one of the most commercially-successful and critically-acclaimed films of 2018. Directed by Amar Kaushik, the film was set in small town of Chanderi, Madhya Pradesh, where an evil spirit named …
Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor's Stree was intended to be a quirky tale that could do reasonable business, but little did the makers know that the film will turn out to be a huge hit at the box office. On its tenth day, Stree made Rs 9.88 crore, bringing its total collection to Rs 82.29 crore. As Monday was the …
"Based on a ridiculously true phenomenon," the teaser of Stree promises. The one-minute clip takes you through a deserted lane, with the words "O stree, kal aana" written outside each house. From the looks of it, the "ridiculously true phenomenon" referred to in the teaser is "Nale Ba". Panic spread among the people until a solution was found - "Nale …