Congress'' Rita Chaudhary on Thursday registered a huge victory in the Mandava bypoll trouncing her BJP rival Sushila Seegda by a margin of 33,704 votes, Election Commission officials said here. On the other hand, BJP alliance RLP''s Narayan Beniwal won the Khinvsar seat against his Congress rival Hirendra Mirdha. Speaking to media, Rita Chaudhary said, "The warm blessings, love and …
The BJP and its allies on October 24 won 26 of the 51 Assembly seats at stake in the bypolls across 18 States and the Congress emerged victorious in 12 constituencies while Asaduddin Owaisi's AIMIM tasted its maiden electoral success in Bihar. Jagdish Ishwarbhai Pate of the BJP is leading over his nearest candidate Patel Dharmendra Shantilal of the Congress …