Six people in Maharashtra's Thane city have been duped of Rs 5.04 lakh allegedly from persons posing as Paytm employees, an official said on Thursday. One of the complainants told the police that on December 29, he got a call from a person, who claimed to be from the Paytm team and asked him to update his KYC, police spokesperson …
Thane: A 17-year-old girl was allegedly kidnapped by her two neighbours in Maharashtra's Thane district while she was returning home from a 'garba' dance event during the ongoing Navratri festival, police said on Wednesday. The girl, a resident of Rameshwadi locality in Badlapur township in Thane, went along with some relatives to enjoy the dance at a 'pandal' set up …
A 33-year-old woman arrested for allegedly posing as a police personnel and extorting money from another woman in Maharashtra, a police official said Tuesday. Mohare allegedly demanded Rs 7 lakh from the victim to save her from arrest in the case, Thane police spokesperson Sukhada Narkar said. The accused finally settled the deal at Rs 1 lakh and took Rs …
Thane: An on-duty traffic constable helped save the life of a man, who suffered a heart attack while driving his car near Kharigaon toll booth in Thane district of Maharashtra, police said on Thursday. According to police, when the constable- Pandharinath Munde - saw that the man has suffered a heart attack at the wheel, he immediately put him in …
A 14-year-old girl was found raped and killed by unidentified persons in her house at Bhiwandi near here in Maharashtra, police said on Friday. The girl was alone at her home in the powerloom town of Bhiwandi at the time of the incident, on 23 August afternoon, Thane Police PRO Sukhada Narkar said. However, it was not clear how many …
The girl was alone at her home in the powerloom town of Bhiwandi at the time of the incident on Thursday afternoon, Thane Police PRO Sukhada Narkar said. An offence under IPC sections 376 and 302 have been registered, she said, adding a manhunt has been launched for the culprits Thane: A 14-year-old girl was found raped and killed by …