Sony on Thursday said it intends to be the number one, go-to premium audio brand in India while announcing a new party speaker, SRS-XV800, in New Delhi. The Japanese major also announced the first brand ambassador for its audio category and a new tagline, ‘For the Music’. With the new and first brand ambassador for audio segment we want to …
Prices for LED TV and appliances such as refrigerator, washing machines are expected to go up by around 10 percent from January next year on account of rise in costs of key input materials like copper, aluminium and steel and increase in ocean and air freights charges. Moreover, crude oil prices have gone up, hence the cost of plastic materials …
Sony India’s revenue at present is mainly led by the TV category Consumer electronics major Sony India is eyeing sales growth of 10-15 percent this fiscal, snapping two years of de-growth, led by its premium TV range, audio products and cameras, a top company official said. “Two years back, contribution of TV was 80 percent,” he said, adding, “We are …