Vardhan, who competed at the 2018 Wimbledon Championships with N Sriram Balaji, will feature in both singles and doubles. New Delhi: Seasoned Vishnu Vardhan and Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan, who bring Grand Slam experience with them, will lend much-needed sheen to the Fenesta Open when the 25th edition of the National Hard Court Tennis championship, begins here from Monday. Global badminton stars …
Champions of the past editions, who have now graduated to the Grand Slam standard, Vishnu Vardhan and Jeevan Nedunchezhiyan, have opted to compete in the 25th anniversary edition of the Fenesta National tennis championship. The two doubles specialists, who had won three singles titles between them in the national hard court championship in 2012, 2014 and 2016, will be playing …