Shraddha Srinath took to social media to celebrate one year of Nerkonda Paarvai, the Tamil remake of hit Bollywood film, Pink. Today, the actress took to her Instagram stories to celebrate one year of the film's release. Shraddha wrote, "A mega star who chose to defy odds and be part of a film that talks about a subject that we …
Ajith has had a memorable 2019 so far with two blockbuster hit films under his credit. He started off this year with Siruthai Siva's Viswasam, which went to earn Rs 200 crore at the box office, then followed it up with H Vinoth's Nerkonda Paarvai. After taking part in the rifle shooting competition, he got back to Chennai to spend …
Journalist-turned-actor Rangaraj Pandey is receiving praise from the critics for his performance in recently-released film Nerkonda Paarvai. Nerkonda Paarvai has hit the screens today and the fans of Ajith Kumar have gone gaga over it on social media. When asked about his popular interview of singer Chinmayi, which stirred up a controversy, Pandey said that the lack of legal complaint …
Thala Ajith Kumar is considered as a massive superstar down south. Thala Ajith is back with a bang as the superstar stepped into Amitabh Bachchan shoes and is all set to release the trailer of Nerkonda Paarvai alongside Vidya Balan. The first poster of Ajith’s Nerkonda Paarvai looked every bit enormous and promising. This film is quite special for both …
The Tamil remake of Bollywood’s critically acclaimed blockbuster film Pink has been titled as _Nerkonda Paarva_i. As I have seen the original version Pink, I can firmly say that there can’t be a better title other than Nerkonda Paarvai for the Tamil remake. Now, the title Nerkonda Paarvai starring one of Tamil cinema’s leading stars Ajith, is also a phrase …