2019 has been a memorable year for Tamil cinema. Six major films have grossed more than Rs 100 crore each in worldwide theatrical takings, with Thalapathy Vijay’s Bigil leading the way. The six films in the century grossers club are Superstar Rajinikanth’s Petta, Thala Ajith’s Viswasam, Nerkonda Paarvai, Raghava Lawrence’s Kanchana 3, Bigil and Kaithi. The cumulative total worldwide theatrical …
Actor Ajith Kumar’s latest Tamil thriller Nerkonda Paarvai, a remake of Hindi film Pink, has breached into the coveted ₹100 crore club worldwide, according to trade sources. The H Vinoth directed film, which also stars Shraddha Srinath, Abhirami Venkatachalam and Andrea Tariang, will have two more weeks of uninterrupted run till the release of Prabhas’s Saaho. The film did exceptionally …
When Rajinikanth's Kaala hit the screens, there were neverending discussions about how the film is a game changer in the Tamil film industry. Ajith could have very well continued his V series with Siruthai Siva, but his conscious choice of making something like Nerkonda Paarvai is a commendable attempt. Coming to the second achievement of Nerkonda Paarvai, the film will …
Nerkonda Paarvai starring Ajith, Shraddha Srinath and Vidya Balan is one of the highly anticipated Tamil movies this year. The makers released an EDM song titled Kaalam, which will feature Bollywood actress Kalki Koechlin. In an interview to an entertainment portal, Kalki Koechlin opened up about her experience of meeting Ajith and shooting the opening song of the film. She …